Watch The Unholy (2022) Full Movie
Title: The Unholy
Release Date: 2022-10-27
Genres: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Thriller
Runtime: 102 minutes
Status: Released
Watch The Unholy full movie for free. Released in 2022, this film was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $1,616,283 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
A former clergyman finds himself back in his old boarding school where the disturbances experienced by its community might help him regain his faith and tie up loose ends in regards to his son's death by a deadly spirit.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Unholy a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Vino G. Bastian, Marsha Timothy, Maudy Effrosina, Randy Pangalila, Jason Doulez, Keanu Azka, Pritt Timothy, Whani Darmawan, Agla Artalidia, Bunga Adelheid, Rezca Syam, Eduwart Manalu, Ricky Saldan, Cecep Arif Rahman, Brilliana Desy Dwinawati, Eka Tioda, Sheera Melodia, Sri Widayati, Winda Kusuma, Habib Abdil Bari, Nizam Tazkia, Muhammad Pandu Lesmana, Rusyidan Li Ibaidillah, Faris Fadjar Munggaran
Aria Prayogi, Charles Gozali, Charles Gozali, Asaf Antariksa, Hani Pradigya, Gunawan Saragih, Frans Paat, Gea Rexy, Teguh Raharjo, Rahadian Winorsito, Aria Prayogi, Astrid Sambudiono, Ridho Fachri, Gemailla Gea Geriantiana, Hendrick Gozali, Raja Jastina Arshad, Gope T. Samtani, Arvin Sutedja, Linda Gozali, Sunar S. Samtani, Andi Boediman, Sunil Samtani, Daniel Irawan, Harjono Parser, Chris Lie, Yudha Negara Nyoman, Zamrud Lazuardi, Gaga Nugraha R., Imron Ayikayyu, Daniel Irawan, Ichsan Rachmaditta
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martial arts, muslim, boarding school, village, supernatural, islam, trance, devil, demon, haunted, religious, terror