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Watch Ride a Wild Pony (1975) Full Movie

Ride a Wild Pony

Title: Ride a Wild Pony

Release Date: 1975-11-02

Genres: Adventure

Runtime: 86 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Ride a Wild Pony full movie for free. Released in 1975, this film was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Scott, a poor farm boy, is given a wild pony from a wealthy ranch owner's herd to ride to and from school. Scott and his pony soon become an inseparable team, until one day the pony suddenly disappears. Soon after, the ranch owner's handicapped daughter Josie has a wild pony especially trained to pull her cart. But Scott is convinced that Josie's pony is actually his, which leads to a court battle that divides their small Australian town. One child must ultimately lose the pony when true ownership is decided.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Ride a Wild Pony a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Michael Craig, John Meillon, Robert Bettles, Graham Rouse, Alfred Bell, Eva Griffith, John Meillon Jr., Roy Haddrick, Peter Gwynne, Melissa Jaffer, Lorraine Bayly, Kate Clarkson, Jackie Dalton


Mike Campbell, Don Chaffey, Jack Cardiff

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