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Watch The Battle of Mohács (2004) Full Movie

The Battle of Mohács

Title: The Battle of Mohács

Release Date: 2004-02-26

Genres: Comedy

Runtime: 82 minutes

Status: Released


Utat mutass, időutas...

Watch The Battle of Mohács full movie for free. Released in 2004, this film was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

By the notes of Fiáth Pompeiusz, the one-time friend of Kapa and Pepe, Professor Szirtes has solved the secret of the time machine, and he realizes the invention relying on "special" H2O. Kapa and Pepe shall return by it into the past in order to set time right, which is out of joint, that is, to correct history, to save King Louis II, and prevent the Mohács Disaster. Pepe yields to the not too tender persuasion to enter upon the great journey through time, dies and revives, and they arrive at the battlefield of Mohács in time. Kapa films the events. The Turks win and cut off the king’s, Pepe’s, head, still the Hungarians dictate the peace treaty. Kapa and Pepe want to return, they fill the time machine up with water from the well, yet it won’t start. Even so Kapa and Pepe hover over Budapest and quarrel.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Battle of Mohács a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Zoltán Mucsi, Péter Scherer, Péter Halász, Judit Schell, Emese Vasvári, András Szirtes, István Szilágyi, Balázs Galkó, Lajos Balázsovits, Péter Müller Sziámi, Attila Rácz, Gyula Bodrogi, Bea Palya, Roland Rába, András Lovasi, Pákó Fekete


Zsuzsa Csákány, Gábor Losonczi, Lyuhász Lyácint Bt., Gyula Hernádi, Ferenc Grunwalsky, Kispál és a Borz, Miklós Jancsó, Miklós Jancsó, Ferenc Grunwalsky, Tamás Banovich

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hungary, time machine, alternate history, battle