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Watch Dr. T & the Women (2000) Full Movie

Dr. T & the Women

Title: Dr. T & the Women

Release Date: 2000-09-13

Genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance

Runtime: 121 minutes

Status: Released


He is overwhelmed by the woman in his life

Watch Dr. T & the Women full movie for free. Released in 2000, this film was made with a budget of $23,000,000 and has earned $22,844,291 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

A successful Texas gynecologist finds himself amid a bevy of women and their problems – his wife’s breakdown, his daughter's fake marriage, his other daughter’s conspiracy theories, and his secretary’s crush. Craving time for himself, he finds solace in a kind outsider.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Dr. T & the Women a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Richard Gere, Helen Hunt, Farrah Fawcett, Laura Dern, Shelley Long, Tara Reid, Kate Hudson, Liv Tyler, Robert Hays, Matt Malloy, Andy Richter, Lee Grant, Janine Turner, Holly Pelham, Jeanne Evans, Ramsey Williams, Dorothy Deavers, Ellen Locy, Cameron Cobb, Zane Michael Scott, Irene Cortez, Clara Peretz, Mackenzie Fitzgerald, Juliette Turner-Jones, Suzi McLaughlin, Oliver Tull, Kelli Finglass, Judy Trammell, Wren Arthur, Scarlett McAlister, Angee Hughes, Tina Parker, Marsha McClelland, Angie Bolling, Pam Dougherty, Nancy Drotning, Candace Evans, Shawne Fielding, Greta Ferell, Andrea McCall, Susana Gibb, Meagan Mangum, Yvonna Lynn, Lyn Montgomery, Shawna McGovern, Laurel Whitsett, Andrea Cohen, Morgana Shaw, Rona Davis, Louanne Stephens, Jane Simoneau, Sarah Wallace, Libby Villari, Gail Cronauer, Kim Terry, Gina Hope, Katherine Bongfeldt, Hollie Stenson, Erin McGrew, Linda Comess, R. Bruce Elliott, Cynthia Dorn


James McLindon, Robert Altman, Robert Altman, Jan Kiesser, Geraldine Peroni, Lyle Lovett, Anne Rapp, Joshua Astrachan, Cindy Cowan, David A. Jones, Graham King, David Levy, Tommy Thompson, Pam Dixon, Stephen Altman, John Bucklin, Chris L. Spellman, Dona Granata

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