Watch The Garden (1990) Full Movie
Title: The Garden
Release Date: 1990-09-06
Genres: Drama
Runtime: 88 minutes
Status: Released
Watch The Garden full movie for free. Released in 1990, this film was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
A nearly wordless visual narrative intercuts two main stories and a couple of minor ones. A woman, perhaps the Madonna, brings forth her baby to a crowd of intrusive paparazzi; she tries to flee them. Two men who are lovers marry and are arrested by the powers that be. The men are mocked and pilloried, tarred, feathered, and beaten. Loose in this contemporary world of electrical-power transmission lines is also Jesus. The elements, particularly fire and water, content with political power, which is intolerant and murderous.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Garden a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Tilda Swinton, Johnny Mills, Philip MacDonald, Pete Lee-Wilson, Spencer Leigh, Jody Graber, Roger Cook, Kevin Collins, Dawn Archibald, Milo Bell, Vernon Dobtcheff, Michael Gough, Maribelle La Manchega, Jessica Martin, Jack Birkett, Leslie Randall, Mike Tezcan, Matthew Wilde, Stephen McBride, Yolande Brener, Derek Jarman
Derek Jarman, Richard Heslop, Derek Jarman, Annie Symons, Derek Jarman, Peter Cartwright, James Mackay, Christopher Hughes, Sarah Swords, Simon Fisher-Turner, Steve Farrer, Michael Carter, Drew Meldon, Gary Desmond, Dean Broderick, Alexander Bălănescu, Duncan Petrie, George Cowen, Keith Collins, Nigel Holland, Marvin Black, Kate Musker, Nick Searle, Mick Duffield, Jonathan Wells, Hector Chronos, Toby Kalikowski, James Norton, Clive Freeth, John Egan, Richard Fettes, Martyn Bates, Dagmar Benke, Chris Harrison, Ian Francis, Peter Maxwell, Marvin Black, Jo Scarlett Coriat, Tito, Hugh Webb, Jonathan Carney, Martyn Wilson, Pam Downe, Catherine Fanthorpe, Keith Osbourne, Mick Boggis, Annie LaPaz, Liam Longman, Paul Jayasinma, David Lewis, Andrew Okrezeja, Ian Shaw, Richard Holbrorow, Chris Bailey, Tom Russell, Melanie Pappenheim, Mark Horn, Guillame Lemoine, Robin Thistlethwaite, Beryl Mortimer, Simon Goldberg, Seamus McGarvey, Michelle Guish, Simon Fisher-Turner, Toby Rose, Andy Kennedy, Debbie MacWilliams, Adam Holden, Thelma Matthews, Billy Shabir, Richard Preston, Glen Fox, Nick Searle, Matthew Evans, James Mackay, Derek Brown, Kevin Rowe, Ayesshu Nuriddin, David Sinclair, Brian Springbacrou, Takashi Asai, David Lewis, Dean Broderick, Christopher Hughes, Derek Jarman, Glynn Fielding, Christopher Hobbs, Nigel Hadley, Bill Garlick, Tony Hinnigan
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