Watch Pueblerina (1949) Full Movie
Title: Pueblerina
Release Date: 1949-07-06
Genres: Drama, Romance
Runtime: 111 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Pueblerina full movie for free. Released in 1949, this film was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Aurelio Rodríguez is released from jail, and tries to start a new life by marrying Paloma and working his land. But the local landowners, the brothers González, interfere with his plans.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Pueblerina a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Columba Domínguez, Roberto Cañedo, Arturo Soto Rangel, Manuel Dondé, Ismael Pérez 'Poncianito', Luis Aceves Castañeda, Guillermo Cramer, Enriqueta Reza, Rogelio Fernández, Agustín Fernández, Lupe Carriles, Leonor Gómez
Emilio Fernández, Mauricio Magdaleno, Emilio Fernández, Jaime A. Menasce, Óscar Dancigers, Felipe Subervielle, Gabriel Figueroa, Antonio Díaz Conde, Teódulo Bustos, Galdino R. Samperio, Alberto A. Ferrer, Jorge Busto, Armando Meyer, James L. Fields, Ignacio Romero, Felipe Palomino, Daniel López, Beatriz Sánchez Tello, Manuel Fontanals, Antonio de Salazar, José B. Carles, Pablo Ríos
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small town, mexico, rape, machismo, honor, jail, wedding, landowner