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Watch Da L'Mulud (1987) Full Movie

Da L'Mulud

Title: Da L'Mulud

Release Date: 1987-01-01

Genres: Documentary

Runtime: 49 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Da L'Mulud full movie for free. Released in 1987, this film was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

An emblematic figure in the defense of Berber culture, Mouloud Mammeri (1917-1989) experienced numerous confrontations with the authorities in Algeria, including the suspension in 1973 of the teaching of Berber at university and the ban of the conference he was to deliver on March 10, 1980 at the University of Tizi Ouzou on ancient Kabyle poetry... which will be the detonator of the powerful and harshly repressed cultural demands movement of April 1980, also called the Berber Spring. Mouloud Mammeri is one of the "historians" of French-speaking Algerian literature from the middle of the last century who, through his pen, gave back the soul to a country by giving it back its voice.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Da L'Mulud a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Mouloud Mammeri


Ali Mouzaoui, Ali Mouzaoui, Mohamed Derradji, Youcef Tekkouk, Ahmed Belkhiri, Hamid Rebaïni, Mohamed Tedj, Rachid Bencheikh, Ali Moulay Guendil, Ahmed Messad, Mohamed Amari, Achour Kacher, Ziane Bouzid, Chérif Aggoune, Amar Cherigui, Zoheir Lourari, Taos Amrouche, Allaoua Zerrouki, Majid Soula

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biography, algeria, kabylie, algeria, berber cultur