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Watch The Tank Battalion (1991) Full Movie

The Tank Battalion

Title: The Tank Battalion

Release Date: 1991-05-29

Genres: Comedy

Runtime: 79 minutes

Status: Released


Watch The Tank Battalion full movie for free. Released in 1991, this film was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Tankový prapor (Tank Battalion) is a Czech comedy film. It was released in 1991. The movie represented the first privately produced movie in Czech Republic. It was a blockbuster. Today, the movie is perceived as a classic, it is the most acclaimed movie of his creator, director Vit Olmer, it starred Lukáš Vaculík, a popular star of youth movies in the main role, as well as the by-then well received comedian Miroslav Donutil.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Tank Battalion a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Lukáš Vaculík, Roman Skamene, Simona Chytrová, Vítězslav Jandák, Miroslav Donutil, Ivana Velichová, Martina Adamcová, Jiří Kodeš, Vlastimil Zavřel, Martin Zounar, Martin Hron, Milan Šimáček, Zdeněk Vencl, Michal Kocourek, Bohdan Tůma, Stanislav Aubrecht, Václav Vydra, Pavol Topoľský, Michal Suchánek, Miroslav Táborský, Václav Čížkovský, Milan Gunár, František Řehák, Eva Vidlařová, Michael Hofbauer, Petr Koutecký, Zdeněk Kopal


Radek John, Vít Olmer, Josef Škvorecký, Jan Malíř

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