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Watch Sam's Army (1999) Full Movie

Sam's Army

Title: Sam's Army

Release Date: 1999-03-01

Genres: Documentary, War

Runtime: 90 minutes

Status: Released


Far from Home: Canada and the Great War - Part 1

Watch Sam's Army full movie for free. Released in 1999, this film was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Canada was led to war by a bigoted, ignorant, self-obsessed Minister of Militia, who may well have been clinically insane, but the importance of Canada's contribution in that war owes a great deal to him. The man of course, was Colonel - later made Lieutenant General by his own hand - Sam Hughes. Sam's Army is a compelling portrait of a complex man and the formidable military he built. Sam Hughes was not your standard-issue military leader. Canada's World War I Minister of Militia and Defence concentrated power in his own hands, insisted that the Canadian military use the ill-conceived Ross rifle and liberally promoted his cronies. But there was no denying Hughes was a visionary. He assembled the world's largest-ever volunteer army and bucked superiors to keep his ferocious fighting force together in one Canadian Corps.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Sam's Army a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Paul Gross, Bradford Jackson, Brad Austin, John Bayliss, David Calderisi, Benedict Campbell, William Colgate, William Dunlop, Adrian Egan, Patrick Garrow, Linda Goranson, Keith Hampshire, David Hemblen, Joergen Fuglsang, Erica Jackson, Eric Koch, Gary Krawford, Ray Landry, Dan MacDonald, Shawn Mathieson, John McMullan, Paul Miller, Victoria Mitchell, John Ralston, Jacques Tourangeau, Richard Waugh, Roger Periard, Heinar Piller


Alan Erlich, Donna Powell, Jean-Pierre Gagnon, John McMullan, Kerri Neraasen, Michael Ulster, Steve Hammond, Robert Burgess, Ton Blainey, Susan Hormuth, John Denniston, Josie Lovergine, James Wallen, Gina Binetti, Marta Nielsen, Christophe Bonnière, Aaron Davis, Dan Kaminsky, John Lang, Elma Bello, Lana Pitkin, Jane Crawford, Stephan Carrier, Richard Nielsen, Richard Nielsen, Richard Nielsen, Alison Clark, Lou Solakofsky, Terry Copp

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canada, world war i, canadian army