Watch Elvis & Madonna (2011) Full Movie
Title: Elvis & Madonna
Release Date: 2011-09-23
Genres: Comedy, Romance
Runtime: 105 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Elvis & Madonna full movie for free. Released in 2011, this film was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
In Copacabana, lesbian photographer Elvis is hired to deliver pizzas in the night shift on her motorcycle. Her first assignment is a delivery to the transgender hairdresser Lady Madonna, whom she falls in love with.
Movie Credits
Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Elvis & Madonna a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Simone Spoladore, Igor Cotrim, Sérgio Bezerra, Maitê Proença, Buza Ferraz, José Wilker, Romeu Evaristo, Duse Nacaratti, Catarina Abdala, Arthur Brandão, Fabiana Brazil, Alexandre da Costa, Jayme del Cueto, Mayana Moura, Flávia Moreira, Joana Seibel, Pia Manfroni, Aramis Trindade, Wendell Bendelack
Marcelo Laffitte, Gustavo Loureiro, Rô Nascimento, Leonardo Carvalho, Marcelo Bourseau, Cacala Carvana, Tuinho Schwartz, Victor Biglione, Rafael Targat, Patricia Zerbinatto, Pedro Mack, José de Carvalho, Rafael Targat, Mariana Lima, Simone Alves, Sergio Farjalla Jr., Fernanda Colin, Daniel Bustamante, Mauricio Pascuet, Marina Beltrão, Luís Arnaldo Gastão, Marcelo Laffitte, Tatiana Fragoso, Frederico Massine, Sergio Farjalla Jr., Lulu Farah, Luiz Fernando Guimarães, Tomas Alem, Hebert Marmo, Marcelo Laffitte, Angela Durans, Mariana Bezerra, Uli Burtin, Rodrigo Noronha
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night life, comedian, romance, female homosexuality, transgender