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Watch A Brother and 7 Siblings (2025) Full Movie

A Brother and 7 Siblings

Title: A Brother and 7 Siblings

Release Date: 2025-01-23

Genres: Drama, Family

Runtime: 131 minutes

Status: Released


Diadaptasi dari cerita karya Arswendo Atmowiloto.

Watch A Brother and 7 Siblings full movie for free. Released in 2025, this film was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

After the untimely death of his older siblings, a struggling young architect suddenly becomes a "single parent" for his nephews. When the opportunity for a better life arises, he must choose between his love life, career, or his nephews.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made A Brother and 7 Siblings a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Chicco Kurniawan, Amanda Rawles, Fatih Unru, Freya Jayawardana, Ahmad Nadif, Kawai Labiba, Niken Anjani, Ringgo Agus Rahman, Kiki Narendra, Maudy Koesnaedi, Ence Bagus, Tahlia Motik, Sarah Mawla, Sheila Dara, David Brendi, Chandra Satria, Reza Nangin, Kartika Widya, Nizar Umar Akbar, Neysa Ananda, Amanda Gondowijoyo, Barra Swetajaloe, Mariana Resli, Prisca Charity, Adinegoro Natsir, Sri Suhartini, Dimar Han, Muhammad Faisal Ashraf


Yandy Laurens, Yandy Laurens, Lavesh Samtani, Suryana Paramita, Satrio Budiono, Nanda Giri, Dita Gambiro, Ernaka Puspita Dewi, Lidya Natalia, Binawan Utama, Ofel Obaja, Hendra Adhi Susanto, Dimas Bagus Triatma Yoga, Tommy Fahrizal, Grace Felicia, Yehuda Aribowo, Lisbeth Simarmata, Iman Usman, Manoj Kumar Samtani, Deepak G. Samtani, Tony Ramesh, Bobby Mulani, Futih Aljihadi, Aji Pratomo, Trivet Sembel, Garry Limanata, Irwan Sandrady, Manoj Kumar Samtani, Deepak G. Samtani, Lavesh Samtani, Meryl Amarilis, Abet Fahmi, Utari Novita, Arswendo Atmowiloto, Ramahadi Gama, Mantrii Bule, Syadza Syarifah

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