Watch Nowhere in Africa (2001) Full Movie
Title: Nowhere in Africa
Release Date: 2001-12-11
Genres: Drama
Runtime: 140 minutes
Status: Released
One family's tale of a homeland lost... and a homeland found.
Watch Nowhere in Africa full movie for free. Released in 2001, this film was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
A Jewish woman named Jettel Redlich flees Nazi Germany with her daughter Regina, to join her husband, Walter, on a farm in Kenya. At first, Jettel refuses to adjust to her new circumstances, bringing with her a set of china dishes and an evening gown. While Regina adapts readily to this new world, forming a strong bond with her father's cook, an African named Owuor.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Nowhere in Africa a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Juliane Köhler, Merab Ninidze, Sidede Onyulo, Matthias Habich, Lea Kurka, Karoline Eckertz, Gerd Heinz, Hildegard Schmahl, Maritta Horwarth, Regine Zimmermann, Marian Lösch, Gabrielle Odinis, Bettina Redlich, Julia Leidl, Mechthild Großmann, Bela Klentze, Peter Lenaeku, Silas Kerati, Kanyaman, Andy Rashleigh, Anthony Bate, David Michaels, Steve Weston, Diane Keen, Andrew Sachs
Caroline Link, Caroline Link, Susanne Liebetrau, Stefanie Zweig, Gernot Roll, Susann Bieling, Uwe Szielasko, Barbara Grupp, Patricia Rommel, Magda Habernickel, Andreas Wölki, Einar Marell, Niki Reiser, Mel Kutbay, Tschangis Chahrokh, Andreas Bareiß, Sven Ebeling, Bernd Eichinger, Peter Herrmann, Thilo Kleine, Jürgen Tröster, Michael Weber, Stephanie Hilke
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farm, marriage crisis, loss of loved one, emigration, world war ii, national socialism, only child, kenya, capture, woman director, emigrant