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Watch The Conclave (2007) Full Movie

The Conclave

Title: The Conclave

Release Date: 2007-02-16

Genres: Drama, History

Runtime: 100 minutes

Status: Released


Watch The Conclave full movie for free. Released in 2007, this film was made with a budget of $4,000,000 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

In 1458, five years after the fall of Constantinople to the Turk, eighteen cardinals meet to elect a new pope. Rodrigo Borgia, a 27 year old cardinal learns to play a very dangerous game.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Conclave a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Brian Blessed, James Faulkner, Rolf Kanies, Manu Fullola, Dominic Boeer, Nora Tschirner, Holger Kunkel, Nicholas Irons, Brian Downey, Lolo Herrero, Gaetano Carotenuto, Matthias Koeberlin, Joseph Rutten, Andrew Keilty, Stacy Smith, Lee J. Campbell, Richard Donat, Lex Gigeroff, John Dunsworth, John Dartt, Jeremy Webb


Christoph Schrewe, Paul Donovan, Mathias Neumann, Ari Wise

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renaissance, borgias, papal conclave, rodrigo borgia