Watch The Final Chord (1936) Full Movie
Title: The Final Chord
Release Date: 1936-06-26
Genres: Music, Drama
Runtime: 100 minutes
Status: Released
Watch The Final Chord full movie for free. Released in 1936, this film was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
After her husband dies, a German woman who gave up her infant for adoption to emigrate to America returns to Germany, discovering that her child is being raised by a married orchestra conductor.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Final Chord a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Maria von Tasnady, Willy Birgel, Lil Dagover, Maria Koppenhöfer, Theodor Loos, Peter Bosse, Kurt Meisel, Erich Ponto, Paul Otto, Alexander Engel, Walter Werner, Erna Berger, Albert Lippert, Hella Graf, Eva Tinschmann, Luise Willer, Rudolf Watzke, Helmut Melchert, Margarete Arndt-Ober, Carl Auen, Erich Bartels, Rolf Becker, Johannes Bergfeldt, Helmut Bergmann, Werner Bernhardy, Toni Bonsch, Else Boye, Ilse Boy-Wölffer, Ursula Deinert, Peter Elsholtz, Ly Eyk, Robert Forsch, Hildegard Friebel, Ruth Gehrs, Eric Harden, Kurt Hinz, Heinz Könecke, Liselotte Köster, Kurt Lenz, Richard Ludwig, Erich Meißel, Odette Orsy, Hermann Pfeiffer, Paul Salzmann, Ernst Sattler, Werner Stammer, Walter Steinweg, Friedrich Teitge, Ilse Trautschold, Inge Vesten, Martha von Konssatzki, Tilly Wedekind, Bruno Ziener
Milo Harbich, Erich Kobler, Robert Baberske, Erich Kettelhut, Erich Kettelhut, Kurt Heuser, Douglas Sirk, Douglas Sirk, Erich Holder, Bruno Duday
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