Watch The Well (1992) Full Movie
Title: The Well
Release Date: 1992-09-29
Genres: Drama
Runtime: 108 minutes
Status: Released
Watch The Well full movie for free. Released in 1992, this film was made with a budget of $550,000 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
This very serious drama, based on a true incident, explores the unremitting labor which put a young mother living in rural isolation into the situation of being charged with having thrown her children down a well. Her husband is an unimaginative, work-obsessed man who cannot see that her constant hard work without any support or sympathy from anyone is driving the sensitive woman to consider suicide. When the loutish fellow discovers that his wife and three children are missing, he calls the police, and a manhunt begins. The police discover the oldest boy alive, and find that the mother tried to drown herself, but has survived. The two younger children remained missing.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Well a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Merja Larivaara, Auvo Vihro, Liisamaija Laaksonen, Katariina Kaitue, Martti Suosalo, Otto Hakala, Ossi Hakala, Dick Idman, Henriikka Salo, Leif Lindgren, Ludowica Eklund, Cris af Enehielm, Erkki Mantere, Petri Aalto, Arno Virtanen, Seppo Kiuru, Sauli Uhre, Hector Mazzaglia, Leea Klemola, Lola Odusoga, Veikko Honkanen, Eeva-Liisa Haimelin, Raimo Grönberg, Marja-Leena Kouki, Lauri Tykkyläinen
Pekka Lehto, Tuomo Kattilakoski, Anu Maja, Esa Vuorinen, Outi Nyytäjä, Anssi Tikanmäki, Juhani Liimatainen, Marja-Leena Mikkola, Chuck Rowley, Artūras Pozdniakovas, Oskari Viskari, Pekka Lehto, Peter Nordström, Bengt Svedberg, Marjatta Nissinen, Antero Honkanen, Raili Hulkkonen, Johan Hake, Kati Lukka, Veikko Aaltonen, Tiina Kaukanen, Raimo Paananen, Lauri Tykkyläinen, Kari Laine
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drowning, child murder, disappearance