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Watch Die Jugendstreiche des Knaben Karl (1977) Full Movie

Die Jugendstreiche des Knaben Karl

Title: Die Jugendstreiche des Knaben Karl

Release Date: 1977-11-09

Genres: History, Comedy

Runtime: 88 minutes

Status: Released


Nach den Lümmel- und Lausbubengeschichten ein neuer Lachknüller

Watch Die Jugendstreiche des Knaben Karl full movie for free. Released in 1977, this film was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

At the behest of his father, the young Karl Valentin is to complete a carpentry apprenticeship. When the father gets into a financial mess by a strict creditor, the boy works with growing success as a comedian to support his parents financiall

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Die Jugendstreiche des Knaben Karl a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Robert Seidl, Walter Sedlmayr, Eva Maria Meineke, Gustl Bayrhammer, Beppo Brem, Alexander Golling, Otto Bolesch, Eva Geigel, Hans Jürgen Diedrich, Hans Clarin, Fritz Tillmann, Rosl Mayr, Heino Hallhuber, Hansi Kraus, Kurt Zips, Rolf Castell, Georg Einerdinger, Leopold Gmeinwieser, Maxl Graf, Willy Harlander, Bernhard Helfrich, Willy Schultes, Hans Stadtmüller, Amsi Kern, Anton Feichtner, Mona Freiberg, Hans Pössenbacher


Franz Seitz Junior, Luggi Waldleitner, Franz Seitz Junior, Rolf A. Wilhelm, Franz Seitz Junior

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