Watch Dynamite Shaolin Heroes (1978) Full Movie
Title: Dynamite Shaolin Heroes
Release Date: 1978-12-02
Genres: Action, Adventure
Runtime: 78 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Dynamite Shaolin Heroes full movie for free. Released in 1978, this film was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
In Ching Dynasty, surviving retainers of Ming Dynasty swears with blood to restore their country. Hwang Baek who is greedy for power, brutally kills them but the master Mok-ryun defeats him every time. Kang Shi-baek, the lord of Haedong, has a daughter, Chung-chung, who is engaged with Chon-ryong. Baek-ho asks to marry her also. Hwang-baek plots against Kang Shi-baek and puts him in jail. When Kang Shi-baek's head was about to be cut off, two of the masters Mok-ryun show up and rid of Hwang-baek group. Chon-ryong matches against and beats Hwang-baek and leaves with Chung-chung.
Movie Credits
Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Dynamite Shaolin Heroes a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Lo Lieh, Kim Young-In, Choi Sung-kyu, Kim Ki-beom, Choi Bong, Kim Wang-Kuk, Il-su Kwon, Kwon Yeong-Moon, Lee Kang-jo
Godfrey Ho, Lee Sung-sub, Lee Hyeok-Su, Kim Tai-Soo, Kim Jeong-Yong
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martial arts, kung fu, shaolin, shaolin kung fu, kung fu master