Watch The Razor's Edge (1984) Full Movie
Title: The Razor's Edge
Release Date: 1984-10-19
Genres: Drama
Runtime: 129 minutes
Status: Released
The story of one man's search for himself.
Watch The Razor's Edge full movie for free. Released in 1984, this film was made with a budget of $13,000,000 and has earned $6,551,987 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
An American WWI vet undertakes a spiritual quest that takes him from Paris to Nepal to the Himalayas and back to his hometown. Upon his return, he discovers he is not the only one who has changed.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Razor's Edge a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Bill Murray, Theresa Russell, Catherine Hicks, Denholm Elliott, James Keach, Peter Vaughan, Brian Doyle-Murray, Stephen Davies, Saeed Jaffrey, Faith Brook, André Maranne, Bruce Boa, Serge Feuillard, Joris Stuyck, Helen Horton, Michael Fitzpatrick, Robert Manuel, Sam Douglas, Nora Connolly, Jeff Harding, Richard Oldfield, Gordon Sterne, Mary Larkin, Christopher Muncke, Russell Sommers, John Moreno, Hugo Bower, Abbie Shilling, Cassie Shilling, Jean-François Soubielle, Claude Le Saché, Caroline John, Kunchuck Tharching, Louis Sheldon, Daniel Chatto, Stephanie English, Jill Goldston
John Byrum, W. Somerset Maugham, John Byrum, Bill Murray, Philip Harrison, Peter Boyle, Harry Benn, Jason Laskay, Stuart Rose, Ian Whittaker, Robert P. Marcucci, Harry Benn, Peter Hannan, Malcolm Middleton, Shirley Russell, Rob Cohen, Michael Jeffery, Jennifer Shull, Maude Spector, John Comfort, Terry Apsey, Nick Forder, Mike Jones, Mike Lockey, Leslie Hodgson, Stan Fiferman, Serge Touboul, Peter Brayham, Stanley Black, George Ball, Peter Elford, Catherine Halloran, Martin Gutteridge, Gerald C. Wheatley, Rene Borisewitz, Dennis McTaggart, Ray Corbett, Micky Thomas, Sudesh Syal, Linda Burtenshaw, Colin Davidson, Dewi Humphreys, Bill Rowe, George Frost, Sally Jones, Jack Nitzsche, Brian Smith
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