Watch Undeva în Est (1990) Full Movie
Title: Undeva în Est
Release Date: 1990-12-31
Runtime: 100 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Undeva în Est full movie for free. Released in 1990, this film was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Undeva în Est a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Remus Mărgineanu, Valentin Voicilă, Dorel Vișan, Marius Stănescu, Maria Ploae, Călin Nemeș, Constantin Florescu, Sorin Cociș, Smaragda Olteanu, Doru Ana, Marela Jugănaru, Aristide Teică, Ilie Gheorghe, Ion Militaru, Constantin Dumitru, Dionisie Vitcu, Ion Săsăran, Valentin Teodosiu, Diana Cozma, Valentin Popescu, Constantin Duțu, Ion Crăciun, Anghel Popescu, Gelu Ivașcu, Eugen Nagy, Gabriel Băcioiu, Vasile Iusan, Lucian Tănase, Papil Panduru, Leonard Dan, Mirela Dumitru, Nae Mazilu, Aurelian Manolescu, Andrei Portase, Ovidiu Ghiniță, Rasvan Puiu, Marian Negrescu, Gheorghe Buș, Dorin Andone, Cristinela Pădure, Mihai Cheptea, Alex Paraschiva, Mihai Ungureanu, Viorel Ludușan, Gelu Zaharia, Adrian Berzescu, Florin Mărculescu, Dondos Petru, Ion Caragea, Ion Cristian, Petre Petrache, Dan Covrig, Ion Fiscuteanu
Nicolae Mărgineanu, Augustin Buzura, Nicolae Mărgineanu, Nicolae Mărgineanu, Cornel Ţăranu, Nita Chivulescu, Magdalena Mărășescu, Maria Peici, Maria Matase, Silviu Camil, Ina Ruican, Gabriel Kosuth
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