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Watch Serial (Bad) Weddings (2014) Full Movie

Serial (Bad) Weddings

Title: Serial (Bad) Weddings

Release Date: 2014-04-16

Genres: Comedy

Runtime: 94 minutes

Status: Released


4 marriages, 2 long-faces

Watch Serial (Bad) Weddings full movie for free. Released in 2014, this film was made with a budget of $13,000,000 and has earned $176,404,493 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

A catholic French couple sees their life upside down when their four daughters get married to men of different religion and origins.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Serial (Bad) Weddings a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Christian Clavier, Chantal Lauby, Ary Abittan, Medi Sadoun, Frédéric Chau, Noom Diawara, Frédérique Bel, Julia Piaton, Émilie Caen, Élodie Fontan, Pascal N'Zonzi, Salimata Kamate, Tatiana Rojo, Élie Semoun, Loïc Legendre, Nicolas Beaucaire, David Salles, Jassem Mougari, Nicolas Buchoux, Nicolas Wanczycki, Frédéric Saurel, Catherine Giron, Axel Boute, Roland Menou, Philippe Bertin, Isaac Sharry, Lassâad Salaani, Michel Emsalem, Xiaoxing Cheng, Jennifer Kerner, Hugues Martel, Thierry Angelvy, Nicolas Mouen, Benoît Berthon, Lyron Darmon, Selim Draoui, Eugénie You, Lucie You, Isabel McCann, Audrey Quoturi


Magali Ceyrat, Philippe de Chauveron, Guy Laurent, Philippe de Chauveron, Marc Chouarain, François Emmanuelli, Vincent Mathias, Sandro Lavezzi, Romain Rojtman, Eve-Marie Arnault, Marie-France Michel, Cécilia Blom, Nathalie Duran, Michaël Goldberg, Boris Van Gils, Pauline Garcia, Abraham Goldblat, Benjamin Hess, Jean-Christophe Leborgne, Antoine Lepetit, Judith Lionnet, Grégory Moro, Bruce Amic, Luc Bricault, Leonard Gaultier, Moritz Parisius, Coline Perruchon

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marriage, racism, wedding ceremony, racial prejudice