Watch Morris from America (2016) Full Movie
Title: Morris from America
Release Date: 2016-08-19
Genres: Drama, Romance
Runtime: 89 minutes
Status: Released
Nothing rhymes with Germany
Watch Morris from America full movie for free. Released in 2016, this film was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
A heartwarming and crowd-pleasing coming-of-age comedy with a unique spin, Morris from America centers on Morris Gentry, a 13-year-old who has just relocated with his single father, Curtis. to Heidelberg, Germany. Morris, who fancies himself the next Notorious B.I.G., is a complete fish-out-of-water—a budding hip-hop star in an EDM world. To complicate matters further, Morris quickly falls hard for his cool, rebellious, 15-year-old classmate Katrin. Morris sets out against all odds to take the hip-hop world by storm and win the girl of his dreams.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Morris from America a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Markees Christmas, Craig Robinson, Lina Keller, Carla Juri, Jakub Gierszał, Levin Henning, Eva Löbau, Patrick Güldenberg, Leon Badenhop, Marie Löschhorn, Josephine Becker, Roger Ditter, Florian Von Stockum, Nora Borchert, Diana Ionescu, Anna Sodan, Anabel Möbius, Lukas Ritter, Thorsten Wenning, Liv Scharbatke, Josephine Fabian, Manuel Hafner, Hugo Manuel, Kai Michael Müller, Benedikt Crisand
Chad Hartigan, Chad Hartigan, Keegan DeWitt, Sara Murphy, Sean McElwee, Martin Heisler, Adele Romanski, Gabriele Simon, Anne Fabini, Sascha Ronge, Ana Monte, Tobias Scherer, Tobias Scherer, Marvin Keil, Mirko Fricke, Andreas Kielb, Johannes Kunz, Manolya Mutlu, Zdeněk Dušek, Andrea Veselková, Luis Schöffend, Eric Gühring, Martin Jílek, Tobias Scherer, Whitney Theis, Thomas Ziesch, Marvin Keil, Eyde Belasco, Thorsten Wenning, Gregor Bonse, Christoph Iwanow, Alex Turtletaub, Michael B. Clark, Nana Kolbinger, Babett Klimmeck
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