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Watch Prom Night (1980) Full Movie

Prom Night

Title: Prom Night

Release Date: 1980-07-18

Genres: Horror, Mystery, Thriller

Runtime: 93 minutes

Status: Released


If you're not back by midnight... you won't be coming home!

Watch Prom Night full movie for free. Released in 1980, this film was made with a budget of $1,500,000 and has earned $14,796,236 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

At a high school senior prom, a masked killer stalks four teenagers who were responsible for the accidental death of a classmate six years prior.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Prom Night a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Leslie Nielsen, Jamie Lee Curtis, Casey Stevens, Anne-Marie Martin, Antoinette Bower, Michael Tough, Robert A. Silverman, Pita Oliver, David Mucci, Jeff Wincott, Mary Beth Rubens, George Touliatos, Melanie Morse MacQuarrie, David Gardner, Joy Thompson, Sheldon Rybowski, Rob Garrison, David Bolt, Beth Amos, Sonia Zimmer, Sylvia Martin, Elizabeth M. Mason, Pam Henry, Ardon Bess, Lee Wildgen, Brock Simpson, Leslie Scott, Tammy Bourne, Dean Bosacki, Debbie Greenfield, Karen Forbes, Joyce Kite, Nino Calabrese, Michele Scarabelli


Paul Lynch, William Gray, Reuben Freed, Allan Cotter, Paul Zaza, Robert C. New, Peter R. Simpson, Warren Keillor, Carl Zittrer, Brian Ravok, Lee Knippelberg, Kathleen Mifsud, Deanne Judson, Bryan Day, Sarah Grahame, Gary C. Bourgeois, Richard Simpson, Bruce Nyznik, Carlo Campana, Robert Fresco, Robin Leigh, Jenny Arbour, Maggie McMeekin, Marmie Charndoff, Christophe Bonnière, Christine Hart, Terry Martin, Terry Martin, Marvin Midwicki, Tony Currie, Randy Kamula, Constance Buck, Dennis Thompson, Linda McClelland, Mark Molin, Andy Malcolm, Barry Stone, Jody Morden, Stan David, Jo-Ann Chorney, Jeff Wilson, Bob Gallant, Sheila Manning, Steve Wright, Steve Wright, Robin Collyer, Dave Ross, Alan Sharpe, Henri Fiks, Bill Carter, Jere Berry, Aine Furey, Donato Baldassarra, Martha Hendricks, Dwayne McLean, Greg Farrow, Karen Hazzard, Dan Nyberg, Warren Keillor, Karen Pike, Joan Giammarco, Donato Baldassarra, Elizabeth Blomme, Dan Nyberg, Shelley Cook, Ian McBride, Brian Ravok, Robert Guza Jr., Frieder Hocheim, Tom Mather, Henri Fiks, Kat Moyer

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