Watch Cruel State (2015) Full Movie
Title: Cruel State
Release Date: 2015-12-03
Genres: Documentary
Runtime: 120 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Cruel State full movie for free. Released in 2015, this film was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
In April 2014, the entire nation of South Korea watched on television live as The Sewol capsized off the coast of Jindo. The tragedy left life-long wounds in the hearts of people whose family and friends had been among the 304 passengers killed. The majority of the victims were high school students on a school trip. Their parents were not even given the luxury of grieving, as they had to camp out in front of the Parliament, City Hall and the Presidential House, asking for only one thing - to know the truth about why their children had been left to die. But after more than a year, that truth has yet to be brought to light. This film is a documentation of the year-long struggle and painful soul-searching of people destined to be labelled as 'bereaved families' for the rest of their lives, as they come face to face with the naked face of their cruel country.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Cruel State a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Moon So-ri, Pope Francis, Moon Jae-in, Park Young-sun, Kim Ki-chun, Kim Je-dong, Park Geun-hye, Yoo Gyeong-geun, Jeong Bu-ja, Kim Young-oh
Kim Jin-yeol, Jung Il-gun, Jung Il-gun, Lee Soo-jung, Lee Soo-jung, Kim Jin-yeol, Tae Jun-seek, Yang Jeong-won, Kim Hyung-joo
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government, sewol