Watch Across the Universe (2007) Full Movie
Title: Across the Universe
Release Date: 2007-09-14
Genres: Drama, Romance, Fantasy
Runtime: 133 minutes
Status: Released
All you need is love.
Watch Across the Universe full movie for free. Released in 2007, this film was made with a budget of $45,000,000 and has earned $29,625,761 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
When young dockworker Jude leaves Liverpool to find his estranged father in the United States, he is swept up by the waves of change that are re-shaping the nation. Jude falls in love with Lucy, who joins the growing anti-war movement. As the body count in Vietnam rises, political tensions at home spiral out of control and the star-crossed lovers find themselves in a psychedelic world gone mad.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Across the Universe a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Evan Rachel Wood, Jim Sturgess, Joe Anderson, Dana Fuchs, Martin Luther, T.V. Carpio, Spencer Liff, Lisa Dwyer Hogg, Nicholas Lumley, Michael Ryan, Angela Mounsey, Robert Clohessy, Christopher Tierney, Curtis Holbrook, Bill Buell, Ellen Hornberger, Dylan Baker, Linda Emond, Bill Irwin, Lynn Cohen, Jennifer Van Dyck, Timmy Mitchum, Orfeh, Antonique Smith, Deidre Goodwin, Joe Cocker, Jacob Pitts, Harry Lennix, Logan Marshall-Green, James Urbaniak, Bono, Eddie Izzard, Salma Hayek Pinault, Mandy Gonzalez, Destan Owens, Cicily Daniels, Saycon Sengbloh, Daniel Stewart Sherman, Sam Kitchin, Frank Hopf, Chris McGarry, Karine Plantadit, Angela Cohen, Kevin Stea, William Atkinson, Ted Lochwyn, Jeanine Serralles, Caitlin Hale, Leah Hocking, Rika Okamoto, Jarlath Conroy, Geoffrey J.D. Payne, Erin Elliott
Julie Taymor, Dick Clement, Ian La Frenais, Matthew Gross, Richard Baratta, Derek Dauchy, Jennifer Todd, Elliot Goldenthal, Bruno Delbonnel, Françoise Bonnot, G.A. Aguilar, Richard Baratta, Pamela Thur, Geoffrey Hansen, Danielle Rigby, Chris Barnes, Bobby Beckles, John Cenatiempo, Blaise Corrigan, Tina Mckissick, Christopher Place, Victor Chan, Jeffrey Lee Gibson, Angela Meryl, Elliot Santiago, Scott Burik, Liisa Cohen, Melissa Morgan, Derrick Simmons, Nicole Callender, Bob Colletti, Caroline Vexler, Geoffrey Hansen, Peter Rogness, Ellen Christiansen, Sandy Hamilton, Joan Altman, Angela Quiles, Craig Haagensen, Bruce MacCallum, Eric Swanek, Andrew Priestley, Michael Cambria, Caesar S. Carnevale, Travis Cadalzo, Jeff Muhlstock, Kyle Rudolph, Christopher Peterson, Mary Ann Smith, Susan Kowarsh, Gail A. Fitzgibbons, Thomas Beall, Jill E. Anderson, Christine Schultz, Vern Malone, Kenn Hamilton, Kate Quinlan, Nicole Evangelista, Suzanne Kelly, Judy Chin, Marjorie Durand, Claus Lulla, Louise McCarthy, Angela Johnson, Nathan J. Busch II, Jerry DeCarlo, Jacqueline Payne, John James, Stephen G. Bishop, John W. DeBlau, Tom Percarpio, Thomas Landi, Peter Colavito, Mitch Lillian, Paul Candrilli, Rick Marroquin, Andrew Cheung, Graham Klatt, Melvin Pukowsky, Brent Poleski, Eric P. Robinson, Christopher F. Graneto, Francis Leach, James Boniece, Tod A. Maitland, Kira Smith, Timothy R. Boyce Jr., Kevin McKenna, Steve Kirshoff, Mark Bero, Robert T. Striem, Damon Michael Gordon, Pat Weber Sones, Patty Carey, Marisa Vrooman, Kirstin Liu, Susan Strine, Michael Meere, Stephen Lippross, Felix Chen, Nick Miller, John F. McHugh, Elizabeth Linn, Adam Stockhausen, Deborah Jensen, Kim Jennings, Mark Pollard, Miguel López-Castillo, Kay Michaels, Lorenzo Contessa, Leo Holder, Sarah Frank, Rena DeAngelo, Dawn Masi, Timothy Metzger, Harvey Goldberg, Roman Greller, Steven T. Duke, Janine Pesce, Joe Taglairino, Paul Weathered, Eric M. Metzger, Carrie Stewart, Kris Moran, Eric Cheripka, Ann Edgeworth, Frances Fiore, Abbot Genser, Kathleen E. Kearney, Daniela Barbosa, Tiffany Little Canfield, Stephanie Yankwitt, Stephen Gabis, James P. Whalen, Timothy Shannon, Blake Leyh, Blake Leyh, Lee Dichter, Robert Fernandez, Jeff Robinson, Eliza Paley, Deborah Wallach, Wyatt Sprague, Igor Nikolic, Alex Soto, Marko Costanzo, George A. Lara, Bobby Johanson, Krissopher Chevannes, Curtis Roush, Daryl B. Kell, Christopher Brooks, Elliot Goldenthal, Robert Elhai, Jonathan Sheffer, Yvan Lucas, Lisa Tutunjian, Mo Henry, Friend Michael Wells, Melinka Thompson-Godoy, David R. Morton, Gine Lui, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr, Kimberly Shannon Murphy, Jeffrey Rollins, Matthias Gohl, Stephen McLaughlin, Stephen McLaughlin, Jill Brown, Albert Wolsky, Bernard Telsey
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