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Watch Shop of Dreams (2005) Full Movie

Shop of Dreams

Title: Shop of Dreams

Release Date: 2005-04-14

Genres: Comedy, Drama

Runtime: 95 minutes

Status: Released


A feel-good film about friendship, love & money... and surviving in business in a man's world

Watch Shop of Dreams full movie for free. Released in 2005, this film was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

Three friends return from a vacation and discover that the TV studio they work for has gone bankrupt - so they decide to start their own costume renting business.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Shop of Dreams a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Maarja Jakobson, Anne Reemann, Evelin Võigemast, Karol Kuntsel, Meelis Rämmeld, Madis Kalmet, Marika Vaarik, Hannes Prikk, Thomas Urb, Hannes Kaljujärv, Herardo Contreras, Andrus Joala, Raivo E. Tamm, Lauri Kink, Aarne Soro, Juhan Ulfsak, Sepo Seeman, Ireen Kennik, Ago Anderson, Marta Vaarik, Mirtel Pohla, Kristel Elling, Üllar Saaremäe, Rita Raave, Erik Ruus, Peeter Jakobi, Rein Nettan, Hannes Hugo Urbla, Sandra Sisask, Markus Andreas, Hans Matthias Andreas, Tarvo Vridolin, Kalle Kõiv, Tanel Saar, Janek Sarapson, Mart Toome, Frederic Guerrero Solé, Maris Rätte, Ilmar Raag


Peeter Urbla, Valentin Kuik, Peeter Urbla, Maureen Blackwood, Anneli Ahven, Mait Mäekivi, Anri Rulkov, Inessa Josing, Inessa Josing, Ants Martin Vahur, Vahur Puik, Alex Hudd, Tiina Leesik, Ene Viksi, Lii Kärner, Mart Taniel, Andrus Prikk, Ilja Vassiljev, Horret Kuus, Olli Huhtanen, Nils Johansson, Urmas Tõnissoo, Tanel Tõnissoo, Rein Nettan, Mihkel Soe, Vitali Kladiev, Katrin Kissa, Ralf Siig, Anno Proosvelt, Meelis Maamägi, Ken Vainokivi, Eduard Pissarenko, Krista Fazijev, Elo Selirand, Andres Puustusmaa, Rein Pruul, Indrek Ulst, Olger Bernadt, Ingrid Nõmmik, Juha-Veli Äkräs, Heilika Võsu, Elina Beilinson, Peter Nordström, Tiit Kikas, Tiina Andreas, Ants Andreas, Ain Nurmela, Kristel Kärner, Ewa Kucharska

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