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Watch Liam (2001) Full Movie


Title: Liam

Release Date: 2001-01-23

Genres: Drama

Runtime: 90 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Liam full movie for free. Released in 2001, this film was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

A morality tale of xenophobia, religious prejudice, mob violence, poverty, and their effect on two children in Liverpool during the Depression. When a shipyard closes, Liam and Teresa's dad loses his job. Liam, who's about 8, making his first Holy Communion, gets a regular dose of fire and brimstone at church. Teresa, about 13, has a job as a maid to the Jewish family that owns the closed shipyard. The lady of that house is having an affair, and Teresa becomes an accomplice. Liam stutters terribly, especially when troubled. Dad comes under the sway of the Fascists, who blame cheap Irish labor and Jewish owners. A Molotov cocktail brings things to a head.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Liam a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Ian Hart, Claire Hackett, Anthony Borrows, David Hart, Megan Burns, Anne Reid, Russell Dixon, Jane Gurnett, Gema Loveday, Julia Deakin, Andrew Schofield, Martin Hancock, David Knopov, Arnold Brown, James Foy, Bernadette Shortt, David Carey, Sylvia Gatril, Chris Darwin, Stephen Walters, Sean McKee, Sean Styles


Stephen Frears, Donna Malloy, Chris Atkinson, Alexandra Caulfield, Sue Milton, Roxy Spencer, Leo Davis, Pippa Hall, Trevor Gittings, William Dutton, Dorothy Friend, Hannah Moseley, Stephen Bedford, Kevin Pollard, Samantha Marshall, Peter Joly, Glenn Marks, Adrian Rhodes, Matthew Gough, Andrew Dunn, Stephen Fineren, Michael André, Sally Hibbin, Tessa Ross, Colin McKeown, Martin Tempia, Ulrich Felsberg, David M. Thompson, Kristina Hetherington, John Murphy, Jimmy McGovern

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new year's eve, fascism, loss of job, depression era, stuttering, catholicism, confession booth, molotov cocktail