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Watch Perfect (1985) Full Movie


Title: Perfect

Release Date: 1985-05-15

Genres: Drama, Romance

Runtime: 115 minutes

Status: Released


John Travolta and Jamie Lee Curtis work up a sweat together!

Watch Perfect full movie for free. Released in 1985, this film was made with a budget of $19,000,000 and has earned $12,918,858 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

A female aerobics instructor meets a male reporter doing a story on health clubs, but it isn't love at first sight.

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Perfect a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


John Travolta, Jamie Lee Curtis, Anne DeSalvo, Marilu Henner, Laraine Newman, Mathew Reed, Jann Wenner, Stefan Gierasch, Kenneth Welsh, Ronnie Claire Edwards, Murphy Cross, Murphy Dunne, Paul Kent, Michael Laskin, Ramey Ellis, Alma Beltran, Perla Walter, Gina Morelli, John Napierala, Philippe Delgrange, Tom Schiller, Robert Stark, Laurie Burton, Ann Travolta, Nanette Pattee-Francini, Robin Samuel, Robert Parr, Rosalind Allen, Chelsea Field, Dan Lewk, Kenny Griswold, Andrea Adams, Kurek Ashley, Paul Barresi, Leslie Borkin, Candy Ann Brown, Brent Carlton, Eileen Finney, Cristian Letelier, Donna M. Perkins, Jill Schachne, Roger Menache, Charlene Jones, John Wesley, Mario Marin, Lee Nicholl, Stacy Bayne, Tracy Bayne, David Paymer, Julie Fulton, Ken Sylk, Jim Vanko, Laura Owens, Beth Herzhaft, Anson Downes, Renee Tetro, Joan Edwards, Sam Travolta, Clarke Wilson, Kim Connell, Kim Isaacson, Wendy Shawn, Dan Peterson, Douglas Campbell, Gregory Hormel, Daniel Dayan, Annick Romain, Steve Solberg, Susan Burritt, John Michael Kelly, Bruce Savin, Jean Lubin, Kai Maxwell, Kevin Boyle, Frank Cavestani, Brian Maguire, Elaine Perkins, Maralene Cramer, Bob Henry, Carly Simon, Lauren Hutton, Susie Coelho, Pamela Kwong, Debra Satell


James Bridges, Aaron Latham, James Bridges, Aaron Latham, April Ferry, Ralph Burns, Del Acevedo, Rico Cardinale, Lynda Gurasich, Brad Wilder, Kim Kurumada, James Bridges, Joan Edwards, Kim Kurumada, Jack Larson, Gordon Willis, Jeff Gourson, Howard Feuer, Jeremy Ritzer, Michael D. Haller, Lynda Paradise, Thomas L. Roysden, Michael Kaplan, Rick Avery

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courtroom, gym, aerobics, fitness