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Watch Atla Gel Şaban (1984) Full Movie

Atla Gel Şaban

Title: Atla Gel Şaban

Release Date: 1984-01-01

Genres: Comedy

Runtime: 83 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Atla Gel Şaban full movie for free. Released in 1984, this film was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Atla Gel Şaban a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Kemal Sunal, Nevra Serezli, Dinçer Çekmez, Turgut Özatay, Reha Yurdakul, Zihni Göktay, Metin Çekmez, Renan Fosforoğlu, Nezahat Tanyeri, Nermin Denizci, Hayri Caner, Zafer Önen, Ekrem Dümer, Mehmet Özekit, Uğurtan Atakan, Ahmet Kostarika, Ünal Gürel, Selahattin Fırat, Yavuz Şeker, Nizam Ergüden, Ehat Alinçe, Oktay Güzeloğlu, Mustafa Dik, Taner Yiğin, Yüksel Doğan, Zeki Yıldırım, Erdoğan Dikmen, Talat Bozok, Ajlan Aktuğ, Barış Altay, Ahmet Açan, Naki Turan Tekinsav, Zuhal Üstüntaş, Natuk Baytan, Rafet Şiriner, Tuncer Sevi, Mürüvvet İşsever, Fevzi Coşkun, Ekrem Gökkaya, Yaşar Güner, Yüksel Gözen, Necdet Kökeş, Mehmet Uğur, Orhan Çoban, Cengiz Öktem, Emin Saylan, Ali Mümtaz Berge


Natuk Baytan, Yahya Kılıç, Aydemir Akbaş

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