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Watch The Amusement Park (1975) Full Movie

The Amusement Park

Title: The Amusement Park

Release Date: 1975-03-23

Genres: Horror

Runtime: 54 minutes

Status: Released


"See you in the park, someday"

Watch The Amusement Park full movie for free. Released in 1975, this film was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

An elderly gentleman sets out for what he thinks will be a normal day at an amusement park and is soon embroiled in a waking nightmare.

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made The Amusement Park a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Lincoln Maazel, Harry Albacker, Phyllis Casterwiler, Pete Chovan, Marion Cook, Sally Erwin, Michael Gornick, Jack Gottlob, Halem Joseph, Bob Koppler, Sarah Kurtz, Aleen Palmer, Georgia Palmer, Arthur Schwerin, Bill Siebart, Gabriel Verbick, George A. Romero


Phil Mahoney, Anastasia Cipolla, Phil Mahoney, George A. Romero, George A. Romero, S. William Hinzman, Wally Cook, Simon Manses, Jerry Rosso, Richard P. Rubinstein, Nicholas Mastandrea, Michael Gornick, Michael Gornick

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