Watch Shuttlecock (1993) Full Movie
Title: Shuttlecock
Release Date: 1993-04-07
Genres: Drama, Mystery, War
Runtime: 85 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Shuttlecock full movie for free. Released in 1993, this film was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Major James Prentis VC is a British spy of World War II and war hero who goes under the code name of "Shuttlecock". Alienated from his family and children, he ends up in a mental institution in Lisbon, Portugal.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Shuttlecock a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Alan Bates, Lambert Wilson, Kenneth Haigh, Jill Meager, João Perry, Luísa Barbosa, Arthur Cox, Gregory Chisholm, Beatrice Buchholz, John Cassady, David Ryall
Roger Eaton, Denis Lenoir, Nick Justin, Gerardo Fernandes, Andrew Piddington, António da Cunha Telles, Barry Adamson, Jack Gallagher, Jon Costelloe, Ana Lorena, Alexandre Barradas, Frédéric Fourgeaud, Robin Tarsnane, Anne de Laugardiere, Cecília Lapa, Joel Plotch, John Petersen, Maurice Cain, Tim Rose Price, Andrew Piddington, Graham Swift
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secret intelligence service, secret identity