Watch I'm No Longer Here (2019) Full Movie
Title: I'm No Longer Here
Release Date: 2019-10-21
Genres: Drama
Runtime: 112 minutes
Status: Released
Watch I'm No Longer Here full movie for free. Released in 2019, this film was made with a budget of $849,080 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
In Monterrey, Mexico, a young street gang spends their days dancing to slowed-down cumbia and attending parties. After a mix-up with a local cartel, their leader is forced to migrate to the U.S. but quickly longs to return home.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made I'm No Longer Here a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Juan Daniel Garcia Treviño, Jonathan Espinoza, Xueming Angelina Chen, Bianca Coral Puente Valenzuela, Tania Alvarado, Fanny Tovar, Luis Leonardo Zapata, Yahir Alday, Leonardo Garza, Deyanira Coronado, Yocelin Coronado, Yesica Avigail Silvia Rios, Laura Yamileth Aldai García, Marco Antonio Carrillo Sánchez "Chiquilin", Juan Garcia, Chung Tak Cheung, Christian Sanchez, Noe Matamoros, Gilberto Rivera, Brandon Stanton, Adriana Arbelaes, Kevin Bello, Sophia Metcalf, Federico Mallet
Gabriel Nuncio, Luis Fernando Frías de la Parra, Gerry Kim, Luis Fernando Frías de la Parra, Rob Allyn, Luis Fernando Frías de la Parra, Gerardo Gatica, Alejandro Mares, Alberto Muffelmann, Regina Valdés, Yibrán Asuad, Olaitan Agueh, Javier Umpierrez, Damián García
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street gang, immigrant experience, monterrey, cumbia