Watch Trampa para Catalina (1963) Full Movie
Title: Trampa para Catalina
Release Date: 1963-04-22
Genres: Comedy
Runtime: 87 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Trampa para Catalina full movie for free. Released in 1963, this film was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Catherine bears a strong resemblance to Silvia, daughter of a millionaire who has escaped with a bullfighter. A group of ruffians who intends to defraud the Silvia's father used to Catalina for their plans.
Movie Credits
Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Trampa para Catalina a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Concha Velasco, Antonio Ozores, Manolo Gómez Bur, Trini Alonso, José María Mompín, Venancio Muro, Julio Carabias, Juan Cazalilla, Jesús Aristu, Enrique Ávila, Aníbal Vela Jr., José Villasante, Omán de Bengala, Tomás Tormo, Hortensia Pérez, Beni Deus, Dolores Bremón, Rogelio Madrid, Marcelo Arroita-Jáuregui, Ángel Quintana, Rosa Pérez, Arturo Belzunce, Manuel Lozano Sevilla, Matías Prats Sr., Mariano Medina, José Antonio Izaguirre
Pedro Lazaga Sabater, Alfonso Santacana, Manuel Torres, Francisco Yllera, Antón García Abril, José María Palacio, Juan Julio Baena, Nuria Paradela, Jorge Herrero, Maruja Hernáiz, Antonio Cabero, Ángel Quintana, Manuel Pulido, Eduardo Ducay, Vicente Vázquez, Enrique Vidal, José Luis Colina, Alicia Castillo, Ricardo Vázquez, Herrero y Ollero, Francisco Canet Cubel, Francisco Mansó, Félix Mirón, José María Palacio, Pedro Lazaga Sabater, Faustino Ocaña
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