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Watch Sideburns (1990) Full Movie


Title: Sideburns

Release Date: 1990-06-06

Genres: Comedy, Drama

Runtime: 94 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Sideburns full movie for free. Released in 1990, this film was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

A small provincial town is home to two rival teenage gangs, one devoted to loose living and punk music and the other a collection of narrow-minded bodybuilders obsessed with order and convinced of their own moral rectitude. However, this cosy state of affairs is upset by the arrival of two strangers dressed like Pushkin, the famous early 19th century Russian poet, who proceed to found their own organisation, dedicated ostensibly to the memory of the great writer and the "salvation of Russia". Gradually, they begin to assume control of the town...

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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Sideburns a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Viktor Sukhorukov, Artur Vakha, Aleksandr Lykov, Aleksandr Medvedev, Nikolay Dik, Viktor Mikhaylov, Vladlen Biryukov, Anatoli Zhuravlyov, Yuri Mamin, Elena Rufanova, Konstantin Ratser, Aleksei Zalivalov, Svetlana Pismichenko, Alina Nemchenko, Vasiliy Azemsha, Alexey Rybin, Irina Shelamova, Oleg Yudin, Alexandr Nikolayenko, Aleksandr Polovtsev, Sergei Selin, Valeriy Filonov, Natalya Fisson, Pavel Kornakov, Nikolay Dik


Yuri Mamin, Leonid Gavrichenko, Vyacheslav Leykin, Vladimir Studennikov, Jekaterina Meshijeva, Iosif Krinskiy, Sergei Nekrasov, Pavel Parkhomenko, Natalya Zamakhina, Eivi Shneidman, Aleksei Zalivalov, Vyacheslav Leykin

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