Watch Adventures of a Mathematician (2021) Full Movie
Title: Adventures of a Mathematician
Release Date: 2021-06-11
Genres: Drama, History
Runtime: 102 minutes
Status: Released
When science lost its innocence.
Watch Adventures of a Mathematician full movie for free. Released in 2021, this film was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
The warmhearted story of Polish immigrant and mathematician Stan Ulam, who moved to the U.S. in the 1930s. Stan deals with the difficult losses of family and friends all while helping to create the hydrogen bomb and the first computer.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Adventures of a Mathematician a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Philippe Tłokiński, Esther Garrel, Sam Keeley, Joel Basman, Fabian Kocięcki, Ryan Gage, Sabin Tambrea, Mateusz Więcławek, James Sobol Kelly, Alberto Ruano, Richard Mason, Camille Moutawakil, Sally Cowdin, Anne-Catrin Märzke, Philipp Christopher, Lucy Bromilow, Martin Müller, Sonia Epstein, Finbar Lynch, Karolina Romuk-Wodoracka
Tudor Vladimir Panduru, Simon Baxter, Guido Broscheit, Klaus Dohle, Giles Foreman, Nell Green, Peter Hampden, Arno Hazebroek, Dawid Janicki, Evangelo Kioussis, Norman Merry, Maria Magdalena Mitrovski, Tomasz Morawski, Simon Ofenloch, Markus Reinecke, Nicolas D. Sampson, Joanna Szymańska, Lena Vurma, Mary Young Leckie, Paul Zischler, Małgorzata Lipmann, Ewa Hornich, Colin Jones, Florian Kaposi, Felicity Good, Justyna Stolarz, Monique Bredow, Michael Kapernick, Anke Thot, Fabian Diering, Bernd Reinink, Kristian Portz, Janina Isabel Weida, Ian Waggott, Richard Lewis, Rory Heffernan, Jacqui Marchant-Adams, Jeff North, Andy Quinn, Alexander Andy, Boroka Biro, Mikołaj Car, Val Schubert, Paweł Juzwuk, Piotr Komorowski, Richard Lewis, Alicja Grawon-Jaksik, Thorsten Klein, Thorsten Klein, Antoni Łazarkiewicz, Agnieszka Liggett, Matthieu Taponier
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