Watch Nowhere to Hide (1987) Full Movie
Title: Nowhere to Hide
Release Date: 1987-07-17
Genres: Action, Thriller
Runtime: 84 minutes
Status: Released
Watch Nowhere to Hide full movie for free. Released in 1987, this film was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Marine officer Rob Cutter and his wife Barbara have a son named Johnny. Rob discovers that two newly delivered helicopters in his squadron have crashed because a defective part, a C-ring, has been made of a weaker, less expensive alloy. Before Rob can go public with this, Rob is killed on the orders of corrupt General Howard, who did not want Rob to go public with the defective part. Howard believes that Barbara, who is also a marine, now has the part, so Howard and his henchmen set out to kill Barbara and Johnny and get the part, but Howard is underestimating what Barbara is willing to do to protect Johnny.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Nowhere to Hide a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Amy Madigan, Daniel Hugh Kelly, Robin MacEachern, Michael Ironside, Chuck Shamata, John Colicos, Garrick Hagon, Vlasta Vrana, Clark Johnson, Maury Chaykin, Géza Kovács, Timothy Webber, Andrew Johnston, Réal Andrews, Philip Akin, Peter Blackwood, Shirley Merovitz, Jayne Eastwood, Philip Spensley, Ross Hull, Amy Gartner, Jennifer Smith, Steve Michaels, Sonny Forbes, Hisham Zayed, Marc Désourdy, Tedd Dillon, Brian Kaulback, Normand Éthier
Mario Philip Azzopardi, András Hámori, Brad Fiedel, Edward 'Tantar' LeViseur, Marc Fiquet, Alain Giguère, Tony Currie, Kenneth Heeley-Ray, Tony Lucibello, John Laing, Vic Sarin, Bob Pritchett, Buddy Joe Hooker, Joseph Gilland, Abe Lee, Manon Joly, Grant Lucibello, Don Cohen, Alex Rebar, Julie Corman, Peter McBurnie, Don White, Louis Craig, Cornelius Campbell, Susan Schneir, Tapani Knuutila, Andrew Campbell, Joe Grimaldi, Gord Thompson, Peter Cox, Ross Clydesdale, Ronald J. Rolfe, Paul Bujold, Rejean Brochu, Tom Fisher, Claude Brien, Cindy Fret, Lucille Demers, Michael Liotta, Susan Shipton, Csaba András Kertész, François Sylvestre, Madeleine Henrié, Jacques Chamberland, Alan Goluboff, Robin Leigh, Lorne Orleans, Réal Paré, David Evans, Judy 'Lucky' Kemeny, Stéphane Reichel, Serge Bureau, Eric Anderson, Ann Heeley-Ray, Rit Wallis, Amanda Mackey, Jocelyne Bellemare, Marie Gislaine Cretier, Jay King, John Kemeny, David M. Robertson, David Blanchard, Jean-Vincent Fournier, David Giammarco, Wayne Griffin, Eric Zimmer, Yvon Charbonneau, Judy 'Lucky' Kemeny, Hélène Lafrance, Ron Lee, Richard Cadger, Jane Tattersall, Charles-Henri Duclos, Mireille Samson, Robyn McNicoll, Douglas Kirkland, Yves Paquette, Normand Guy, Yves Langlois, Richard Zeman, Jim Dunn, Walter Klymkiw, David Rigby, John Walsh, Jean-François Chevrier, Roy Allen Smith, Steve M. Davison, Jacob Rolling, Yves Drapeau, Buddy Joe Hooker, Nicolas Marion, Takashi Seida, Jim Tuck, Tony Morelli, Jean Lépine, Branko Racki, Alison Reid, Marc André Berthiaume, Eric Moynier, Raymond Ducasse, Mark Sherman, Robert Guertin, Tim Latchem, Andrew Nevard, Marc Désourdy, Stéphane Lefebvre, Lennard Wells, Maria Armstrong, Steven Woloshen, Jeremy Podeswa, Nicholas Barker, Jennifer Jonas, Ross Levinson, Lynn Mallay, François Warot, Ginette D'Amico, Gilles Perreault, Sylvie Clément, Joanne T. Harwood, Susan Cavan, Stephen Wells, Michael St. Pierre, Daniel Vincelette, Hayd Fazliyan, Mia Taylor, Fabienne April, Mario Davignon, Marie La Haye, Raymond Ducasse, Diane Allaire, Jean-Marin Basley, Michel Pradier, Allan K. Rosen, Gary Flanagan, Sophie Béasse, George Calamatas, Kristine Michaels, Ron Mundy, Bud Davis, Renée April, Alex Rebar, George Goldsmith
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corruption, conspiracy, helicopter crash