Watch Bio-Dome (1996) Full Movie
Title: Bio-Dome
Release Date: 1996-01-12
Genres: Comedy
Runtime: 95 minutes
Status: Released
Bud and Doyle are here to save the world. But who's gonna save the world from Bud and Doyle?
Watch Bio-Dome full movie for free. Released in 1996, this film was made with a budget of $8,500,000 and has earned $13,400,000 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!
Bud and Doyle are two losers who are doing nothing with their lives. Both of their girlfriends are actively involved in saving the environment, but the two friends couldn't care less about saving the Earth. One day, when a group of scientists begin a mission to live inside a "Bio-Dome" for a year without outside contact, Bud and Doyle mistakenly become part of the project themselves.
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Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Bio-Dome a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.
Pauly Shore, Stephen Baldwin, William Atherton, Joey Lauren Adams, Teresa Hill, Henry Gibson, Kevin West, Denise Dowse, Dara Tomanovich, Rose McGowan, Taylor Negron, Patricia Hearst, Jeremy Jordan, Trevor St. John, Channon Roe, Kylie Minogue, Kyle Gass, Jack Black, Christopher Dye, Loomis Fall, Robbie Thibaut Jr., Adam Weisman, Brian Hayes Currie, Butch McCain, Roger Clinton, Jr., Mark Burton, Joe Sib, Soda Pop, Rene L. Moreno, Molly Bryant, Ben McCain, Katherine Kousi, Elizabeth Guber, Tucker Smallwood, Phil LaMarr, Paul Eiding, Rodger Bumpass, Phil Proctor, Cecile Krevoy
Jason Bloom, Bradley Jenkel, Brad Krevoy, Phedon Papamichael, Steven Stabler, Christopher Greenbury, Mitchell Peck, Kip Koenig, Adam Leff, Scott Marcano, Jason Blumenthal, Rod Smith, Anita Hart, Kurt Bryant, Joni Avery, Andrew Gross, Denney Pierce, Brett A. Jones, Thomas DeWier, Hugh Aodh O'Brien, James Ryan, Christopher Faloona, Nick Brett, Michael J. Sarna, Adam Leff, Dan Etheridge, Lou Carlucci, Perry Barndt, Michael Rotenberg, Mitchell Peck, Amy Ancona, P. Michael Johnston, Patrick Loungway, Elaine Dysinger, Jason Blumenthal, Mary Claire Hannan, Dan Parada, Dugg Kirkpatrick
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