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Watch Neighboring Sounds (2012) Full Movie

Neighboring Sounds

Title: Neighboring Sounds

Release Date: 2012-11-19

Genres: Thriller, Drama, Crime

Runtime: 131 minutes

Status: Released


Watch Neighboring Sounds full movie for free. Released in 2012, this film was made with a budget of $0 and has earned $47,974 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

An independent private security firm arrives at a middle-class neighborhood in Recife, Brazil.

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made Neighboring Sounds a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Irandhir Santos, Gustavo Jahn, Maeve Jinkings, W.J. Solha, Irma Brown, Yuri Holanda, Lula Terra, Albert Tenorio, Nivaldo Nascimento, Clébia Sousa, Sebastião Formiga, Ana Rita Gurgel, Caio Almeida, Dida Maia, Felipe Bandeira, Mauriceia Conceição, Graziela Santos da Rocha, Gabriela Santos da Rocha, Júlio Rodrigues, Allyson Arruda, Rubens Santos, Bruno Negaum, Rejane Rêgo, Filipe Branco, Clara Pinheiro de Oliveira, Jorge Queiroz, Juvino Agner, Mariângela Valença, Daniela Câmara, Grece Marques, Leo Gonzaga, Alex Brito, Chico Lacerda, João Vigo, Rodrigo Riszla, Martin Palácios, Lucas Cavalcanti, Sandra Possani, Tereza Cavalcanti, Isabel Novaes, Renata Roberta, Rosana Alves, Winston Araújo, Mucio Jucá, Luiz Joaquim, Yannick Ollivier, Normando Roberto, Jefferson Lima, Isadora Gibson, Andrés Schaffer, Alisson Castro, Ricardo Julio, Freedom Cavalcanti, Chen Pi Yun, Grafite, Mariquinha Santos, Sérgio Godoy, Maria Augusta Carvalho Medeiros Santos


Kleber Mendonça Filho, Pedro Sotero, Catarina Apolônio, Ricardo Cutz, Pablo Lamar, Carlos Montenegro, Gera Vieira, DJ Dolores, Emilie Lesclaux, Kleber Mendonça Filho, Kleber Mendonça Filho, Daniel Aragão, Juliano Dornelles, Kleber Mendonça Filho, João Maria, Brenda da Mata, Renato Pimentel, Marcos Freire, Ingrid Mata, Nicolas Hallet, Simone Dourado, Fabricio Tadeu

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