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Watch El Conde (2023) Full Movie

El Conde

Title: El Conde

Release Date: 2023-09-08

Genres: Fantasy, Comedy, Horror

Runtime: 112 minutes

Status: Released


Things are about to get bloody...

Watch El Conde full movie for free. Released in 2023, this film was made with a budget of $10,000,000 and has earned $0 so far, according to IMDB. Enjoy the movie!

After living for over two centuries, Augusto Pinochet is a vampire ready to die… but the vultures around him won't let him go without one last bite.

Movie Credits

Get to know the amazing cast and crew who made El Conde a reality, and discover the passion and creativity behind its creation.


Jaime Vadell, Gloria Münchmeyer, Alfredo Castro, Paula Luchsinger, Stella Gonet, Catalina Guerra, Amparo Noguera, Antonia Zegers, Marcial Tagle, Diego Muñoz, Clemente Rodríguez, Rosario Zamora, Sofia Maluk, Marcelo Alonso, Daniel Contesse, Daniela Seguel, Jaime McManus, Alessandra Guerzoni, Mariela Mignot, Josefina González, Fanny Moreno, Aldo Parodi, Claudio Barbas, Francisca Walker, Mateo Iribarren, Patricia Rivadeneira, Eyal Meyer, Lucrecia Dalma, Diego Martínez Ruíz, Josefina Dagorret, Norma Norma Ortiz, Víctor Montero, Dara Palacios, Bernardita Nassar, Dindi Jane, Valentina Barrios


Sergio Karmy, Alejandro Wise, Ana Gaubert, Natalia Blajeroff, Jonathan Jota Osorio, Patricio Acuña, Oscar Godoy, Carlos Pérez Ramos, Oscar Ríos Quiroz, Mauricio López, Mauricio López, Juan Carlos Maldonado, Ivo Moraga, Ivo Moraga, Soledad Vargas, Chris Whiteside, Christopher Yañez, Felipe Astorga, Jindřich Červenka, Sebastian Hasbun, Juan Cristóbal Hurtado, Lukas Keclik, Carola Manzo, Juan Olivares, Robert Rapos, Antonio Saez, Majo Tabares, Romina Venegas, Anya Vinnik, Gabriel Ariza, Andrés Bernal Bonilla, Diego Araya Corvalán, Daniel Miranda Bianchini, Eduardo De La Cerda, Yiyo Stambuk, Sebastian Fuentes, Juan Navarrete Zamudio, Juan de Dios Larraín, Pablo Larraín, Rocío Jadue, Cristian Donoso, Tatiana Maulen, Andrés Villagrán, Felipe Guzmán, Nicolas Roses, María Teresa Camus, Daniel Rojas, Ivana Gahona, Carolina Poblete, Antonieta Corvalán, Pablo Larraín, Jonathan Maldonado, Alejandro Álvarez, Vicente Vergara, Nicolás Álvarez, Sergio Armstrong, Sergio Armstrong, Nicolás 'Pape' Bórquez, Emilio Jimeno, Pablo Valenzuela, Diego González, Carlos Diaz, Tomás Fuenzalida, Daniel Pavez, Víctor Rojas, Daniela Fernández, Ariel Marinkovic, Mauricio Rudolphy, Marcelo Valencia, Rodrigo Valencia, Eugenio Arteaga, Felipe Peña, Manfred Manzel, José Mardones, Samuel Nuñez, Eduardo Prieto, Rodrigo Cariz, Rodrigo Ramírez, Leandro Chacana, Cristopher Iriarte, Enrique Molina, Juan Carlos 'JC' Jerez, Catalina Vargas, Silvio Goffreri, Esteban 'Rabbit' Conejeros, Ian Lemus, Andrés Pozo, Cristobal Bustamante, Esteban Guerra, Vanessa Tello, Sebastián Monreal, Pablo Larraín, Pablo Larraín, Guillermo Calderón, Juan de Dios Larraín, Edward Lachman, Christopher Guzman, Muriel Parra, Sofía Subercaseaux, Eduardo Paxeco

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